The Living Courage of Barack Obama – Inauguration 2009

I am so proud of the American people for having the courage to choose Barack Obama to lead us into a new future for this country. The healing of America can now begin.  This nation is in good hands.  May we all support our government as it now partners with a great leader.

The  Inauguration was extraordinary. It was history in the making.  The depth of the experience includes all the people of America.  We are ready to answer history’s call. We have come together, now our representatives will come together to work for what is in the hearts of the American people. The world will come together as one. Obama asks that we come together.  He is confident we can do so.

Let us all now Live in Courage.  Each one of us has a responsibility to support our new President – Barack Obama.  There will be tough times ahead, but as we forge forward, never giving up on our goal, peace will prevail. Obama will never give up or let up, until his goal is reached.  His goal is our goal.  Today is a great day on this earth to celebrate.

Debra Oakland @ Living In Courage Online