The Return To Innocence – Are You "In"?

Innocence exists in each of us.  We came into this world free of judgment. Our senses loving, inquisitive, and at peace.  There is no pretense in a very young child.  Everyone loves a baby's innocence - which carries a sense of wonder.  Perhaps reminding us who we are, how we have changed, and … [Read more...]

Art Auction For The Children of Malawi

I have met a wonderful woman on Facebook this week. Her name is Jane Monica Tvedt and she is a wonderful artist who is assisting in an  Art Auction for the Children of Malawi on June 11th 2009. Living in Courage would like to support this endeavor for the children by spreading the word … [Read more...]

The Courage of Children's Book "Imagine That"

I have a most delightful friend in Rosemary Holmes-Gull.  She has written the magical children's book "Imagine That" -  a book of true inspiration that represents courage to me.  Part of the proceeds from sales of the book go to "Mothers Without Borders." Rosemary's son Bentley did the beautiful … [Read more...]

Be Kind by Sophia

I love this video of Sophia telling us to be kind. Being kind should be what you strive to do. All day. Every day. When you are kind to people, guess what? - they are kind to you. Imagine that! It's pretty much that simple. Thank God for the courage and wisdom of the wonderful children of the … [Read more...]

Sir Ken Robinson – Do Schools Kill Creativity?

This video is exceptional. The story at the end says it all. I hope you enjoy this video, it is a education in itself, as well as a comedy routine. Education Guru Sir Ken Robinson spoke at the "TED" convention, where 1000 great minds meet once a year in Monterey, California. I quote Sir Ken … [Read more...]