How To Create Amazing Joy That Lasts

Be the master of your destiny Our greatest joy is in creating, so when you create a life of joy intentionally - you have created something that lasts. First matter at hand and most important is Conscious Choice. Every choice you make in each moment of the day molds and shapes your life. Life is a … [Read more...]

I Met A Man…

I had the pleasure of meeting the most remarkable man recently; a man who shall remain unnamed. I know he would approve with his big smile and a chuckle. As a small group of friends celebrated his 95th birthday recently, this wise and extremely savvy man shared bits and pieces of his life with … [Read more...]

What’s Your Soul Jam?

I've been thinking about our soul jam. The jam we create in our body, mind, spirit/soul, that defines our lives. Music is a good example. Do you hear a symphony in the right key, or is it more like discordant death metal? Sure, you may enjoy death metal on occasion, but are you allowing it to be a … [Read more...]

Perception or Reality?

Perception or Reality? When we are confused, angry, defiant, and feeling like life is spinning out of our 'perceived' control, what can we do to feel better? The heart is the place to start. A little too Pollyanna for you? Trust me it's not. This is where your power lives and breathes. Everything in … [Read more...]

Stepping Stones To Joy

                    “Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.” - Thich Nhat Hanh Joy, do you feel it? If not, where is it? It may be playing hide and seek, but you can find it. … [Read more...]