Inspirational Quotes by Debra Oakland
“This NOW moment = your Naturally Occurring Wonder!” – Debra Oakland

“Courage can take us to the deepest part of our soul, where we find levels of reserve we did not know we had.” – Debra Oakland
“Have the courage to love your humanity free as it seeks to balance the mind and heart. In this balance you will find your freedom.” – Debra Oakland
“Courageously triumph over your darkest hours and turn them into your most shining moments. Shift and Transform.” – Debra Oakland
“Courage is required, down to the very fiber of our existence. Use your will, desire and persistence to develop the qualities you need to materialize your dreams, whether they be mental, physical, or spiritual.” – Debra Oakland
“Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that is unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.” – Debra Oakland
“Courage is a quality you gain through overcoming life’s biggest challenges and something you become through experience.” – Debra Oakland
“Courage belongs to everyone. It is an equal opportunity act that assists in the most challenging events in our lives.” – Debra Oakland
“Courage is a quality we require to overcome life’s biggest challenges. The grieving heart reaches out for hope and understanding. As we connect to the courage within, allowing love and light to lead the way, healing can begin. Peace prevails as we hold those we have loved and lost in our timeless connection to all life.” – Debra Oakland
“The hardest challenges we overcome help us grow, expand and gain wisdom unattainable in any other way. Living in courage can be a bumpy road smoothed out by love, compassion and joy.” – Debra Oakland
“Living and loving from the core of your heart takes courage. Our self-protective instincts are strong, and sometimes we keep the heart closed off, but this is the place that will bring you back to love, light, healing and safety. Home truly is where the heart is.” – Debra Oakland
” My deepest wish is for us all to live courageously from the heart. I can’t think of a better place to live from.” – Debra Oakland
“Use your inner courage to expand each and every day. Smile more often, be kind and loving to others, gossip less, let criticism of yourself and others go, be the joy you want to experience. Life WILL respond back to you.” – Debra Oakland
“Our courageous stories are inspirational. Never be afraid to share that part of yourself, for what brought you healing and strength, may help others find theirs.” – Debra Oakland
“When LOVE is at the helm, fear WILL Fail!” – Debra Oakland
“Love is EVERYTHING – who we truly are in the essence of our soul. Love expands from our hearts when we allow it, to embrace the whole Universe.” – Debra Oakland
“Inside each of us lives the Love, Wisdom and Power to embrace the Unity, Oneness, Grace, Peace and Abundance we all deserve. If not us, then who, and when? It’s time to take a stand for LOVE.” – Debra Oakland
“Unconditional inner love creates outer love that embraces all life. The rest flows into place when you allow yourself to BE a living breathing expression of love in all you think, say and do.” – Debra Oakland
“The Heart is The Place to Start!” – Debra Oakland
“There’s a bridge between being broken and living in our power. By choosing the path of LOVE, we can assist each other across the rainbow bridge to a life of true inner power and joy.” – Debra Oakland
“Life goes on, seasons change, the world continues on it’s timeless journey. Our souls continues to experience the “human experience” with all it’s ups and downs. How we choose to experience it – our choice. Two ways forward. Love or Fear. Let LOVE lead the way and you will find true peace and joy.” – Debra Oakland
“The divine order of the universe carries within it divine love and light.” – Debra Oakland
“Authenticity is another rainbow bridge to self love.” – Debra Oakland
“When the waters of life want to carry us back into the arms of divine love and light, we must not cling to the shore in fear.” – Debra Oakland
“Love yourself and spread it out from there – the world can use all you can share!” – Debra Oakland
“I think of creativity as something we are gifted with at birth. An organic way of processing our individuality in a myriad of ways. Mixed with the many facets of intelligence – you have a grand playing field!” – Debra Oakland
“Conscious Co-Creating goes hand in hand with Courage, no matter how small or large the Creation is. Trust your heart to show you the who, what, when, why, where and how of it all!”
– Debra Oakland
“Create masterfully, courageously, fearless of opinion and watch your personal masterpiece emerge.” – Debra Oakland
“Passion is the fuel of the soul, the backbone of creativity, igniting the flame within.” – Debra Oakland
“Reach into your imagination and feel the power you have to create in your world.” – Debra Oakland
“Desire brings a living vitality to all the creations we want to manifest into our reality.” – Debra Oakland
“The rhythm of resonance enlivens the human spirit and is a catalyst for transformation.” – Debra Oakland
“Possibility leads to probability, fueled with intention and action, leads to expansion.” – Debra Oakland
“Absorb yourself in each moment, slowly savoring the gift of life. Your ‘Naturally Occurring Wonder’ exists NOW!” – Debra Oakland
“At some point we become wise enough to see the limiting walls we have built around ourselves. Taking action to release all that does not serve our life takes courage and inner strength. These walls of resistance are sometimes invisible, even to our own eyes. It’s easy to look at another persons life and see why things are not working out for them; yet, when we look at ourselves, we often miss what limits us.” – Debra Oakland
“You and I are a wonderful expression of the Universe. As we traverse through this lifetime, each carries a uniquely beautiful gift inside to be shared with others. Shine your light, share your gifts and your love. You will be blissed and blessed in doing so.” – Debra Oakland
“The potential hidden within you is staggering. Shed the old layers and devote yourself to something of value that sings to the passion in your soul. Now you become the master of your destiny.” – Debra Oakland
“Use your inner authority – your thoughts, feelings and actions with deliberation and confidence to create the life you dream of living.” – Debra Oakland
“Simply by being your true authentic self, you gift the world with your presence.” – Debra Oakland
“By aligning with the fiery passion of your soul, the gift you came here to deliver will be revealed.” – Debra Oakland
“Burn with desire to live ever higher. Your potential is staggering. Bless the world with the passion living in your heart, and abundant blessing will rain upon you.” – Debra Oakland
“Push away everything that chips at your miracle.” – Debra Oakland
“Allow the Oneness in you to dance with the Oneness in all life.” – Debra Oakland
“Intensely radiate the qualities you wish to see in others. It is infectious.” – Debra Oakland
“Find your point of power and connect to it like your life depends upon it.” – Debra Oakland
“Taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary = Exceptional. The power lives IN you.” – Debra Oakland
“Choosing to live in the absolute perfection of who you truly are, leads you to the Master Key that opens any door.” – Debra Oakland
“Inner strength is a powerhouse of activity that when exercised daily will take you beyond any levels of outer strength you can imagine.” – Debra Oakland
“Your true inner guidance system operates from a place of knowing. Follow it and be well directed.” – Debra Oakland
“Living YOUR Truth creates a heart connected expansion, a necessary activity if you desire to be divinely guided and directed to unleash the inner gifts you are here to share with the world.”
– Debra Oakland
“Support excellence, genius, the spiritual nature, the soul, to find extreme divine and perfect expression as you deserve it.” – Debra Oakland
“In this NOW moment you are your highest potential.” – Debra Oakland
“Our greatest adversity is our unwillingness to change the mental, physical and spiritual habits keeping us from our highest and greatest good. By consciously making choices supporting our ideal life, our adversary becomes our ally.” – Debra Oakland
“Imagine your ideal life in full detail. Hold the vision, feel it, know it. It will be yours.” – Debra Oakland
“Connect with your inner source of love, wisdom and power. Conspire to create the most magnificent life you can imagine for yourself. The seen and unseen forces throughout the Universe will go to work for you as you hold your vision with determination and expectation.” – Debra Oakland
“Keep moving in the direction your purpose and passion takes you. As you continue sharing your unique brand of self expression in peace and harmony, the human potential alive in your heart” – Debra Oakland
You will find that when you begin living your passion, people around you will rally in enthusiastic support.” – Debra Oakland
“There is a big difference between ability and the perception of your ability. Your mind will try to limit you. Use courage, confidence and conviction of purpose to master your mind.”
– Debra Oakland
“AbunDANCE has the word Dance in it. I see myself dancing in abundance with YOU!” – Debra Oakland
“Trust abundance is alive in every cell of your being. These cells need to be activated for action. Unplug from the outer world of distraction. Plug into your inner power source where abundance abides, waiting for your directive.” – Debra Oakland
“When your day begins anew, consider what you hope to contribute, gain and share from a perspective of anchoring to the abundance and miracles your life has to offer.” – Debra Oakland
“The only place you can live in the land of not enough, is in your own mind.” – Debra Oakland
“I AM blessed in peace and harmony. I AM a fascinating symphony.” – Debra Oakland
“Invite peace to dance with you. There you will find the perfect rhythmic steps to a peaceful life.” – Debra Oakland
“When we ‘consciously’ choose to live in peace and never waver, we will be able to shift on a global level.” – Debra Oakland
“In the midst of seeming chaos, choose peace, oneness and unity. Be that ONE. Day by day, one by one, we can make a marked difference in the world.” – Debra Oakland
“Happiness doesn’t have a shelf life unless you put an expiration date on it.” – Debra Oakland
“When the Universe asks you to dance, say YES!” – Debra Oakland
“Humor is fuel for Happiness!” – Debra Oakland
“What will you do today to wallow in the joy your soul presents to you?” – Debra Oakland
“There will never be another day like today. Live it the the fullest!” – Debra Oakland
“Take the hand of enthusiasm, it will pull you up into anticipation and appreciation of your highest good.” – Debra Oakland
“Wrap yourself in JOY, it’s cozy and the longer you stay wrapped up, the more comfortable it gets.” – Debra Oakland
“I like to compare life to a flower. Life is blooming daily in different shapes, sizes, colors and fragrances that fill life with JOY for all to Enjoy! – Debra Oakland
“Joy is a catalyst, a bridge to guide and provide light for the journey ahead.” – Debra Oakland
Life is Delicious. Devour it with joy in every cell of your body, mind and spirit. You will see its perfect qualities reflected back to you in many ways, seen and unseen.” – Debra Oakland
“Absorb yourself in each moment slowly savoring the gift of life, remembering miracles are available in every moment.” – Debra Oakland
“When you connect to the magical moments in all your relationships, those moments become a bridge to joy.” – Debra Oakland
“The rhythm of resonance enlivens the human spirit and is a catalyst for transformation.” – Debra Oakland
There’s a time to swim and a time to float. Swimming to the finish line can be exhausting. A little float time will carry us through with much less effort.” – Debra Oakland
“True wisdom is a personal conviction and commitment to connecting with the inner knowledge and intelligence alive in every cell of our body, mind and spirit.” – Debra Oakland
“To inspire, be inquisitive, be interested in all that uplifts life, then share what you learn with others…they will thank you for it.” – Debra Oakland
“Health is a three fold activity of well-being for the physical, mental and spirit that lives, breathes and creates within each of us.” – Debra Oakland
“The more you speak in your authentic voice, the stronger you become. This is your life, live it fully as YOU!” – Debra Oakland
“Confidence is hypnotic. A quality many people strive for and few achieve.” – Debra Oakland
“Internal or external validation? The happy ending is up to you!” – Debra Oakland
“What have you got to lose by saying YES to your good? No-thing. Period. End of Story!” – Debra Oakland
“Life is your movie production. You are the writer, director, editor and producer. If you don’t like what you are experiencing, re-write the script.”
– Debra Oakland
“You are the writer, director, editor and producer of your life. Make sure you write yourself in as the Shining Star of your story!” – Debra Oakland
“If you can’t get out of the box people put you in, chew a hole in the corner and crawl out.” – Debra Oakland
“Stillness in the winds of chaos is a mighty sword.” – Debra Oakland
“When someone wants you to take your attention off of you and put it on them for their own agenda, politely excuse yourself and walk away.” – Debra Oakland
“Transformation is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. Out of this gift comes transformation for all.” – Debra Oakland
“Challenges are put in our pathway not to discourage us, but to call up the qualities of courage required to find the opportunity in the challenge.” – Debra Oakland
“Be the calm in the storm in the midst of challenges and chaos by allowing your peace commanding voice to be all powerful.” – Debra Oakland
“In the moments you feel overwhelmed, stop and check in with yourself. If you get the green light – continue. If you get a red light – re-route your course! It’s all about the joy-full journey, not rushing to the destination.” – Debra Oakland
“It is often the case, when we no longer know where to go a path appears before us and the “real” journey begins.” – Debra Oakland
“It is when we become uncomfortable stepping ‘outside the box’ to explore with an open mind, that we move ever closer to the rewards life has to offer.” – Debra Oakland
“Allow grief to be a passing visitor. You can’t let go of something you haven’t fully felt. The graceful exit of grief takes it’s time, then opens a doorway for light to stream in.” – Debra Oakland
“Acceptance of loss does not mean you are weak, it shows strength of character. It’s a step forward in overcoming challenges that assist you to build a reserve of strength, courage and love.”
– Debra Oakland
“Courage is a quality required to navigate the waters of life’s most challenging situations. The grieving heart reaches out for hope and understanding. By connecting to the courage within healing begins as awareness, love and light envelope us and those we love in our timeless connection to all life.” – Debra Oakland
“Victim or Victorious? The choice is yours!” – Debra Oakland
“Fear will steal the adventure right out from under you. Love will take you on a magical mystery tour of unparalleled joy and delight. Who will you give the keys to your soul?” – Debra Oakland
“The biggest illusion is fear creating monsters that are only shadows which dissolve in the light of love.” – Debra Oakland
“The tomorrow you want never comes when you engage in doubt and fear. Live each present moment, taking decisive action toward your desired goal.” – Debra Oakland
“Through ignorance and darkness, the human race has imposed upon itself activities believed to be impossible. Through truth and light, nothing is impossible.” – Debra Oakland
“If you only share your truth in private and put on a mask out in the world, you will be denying the world the wonders of you, and all you have to offer.” – Debra Oakland
“We alter the perfection of our I Am Presence flowing through us by engaging our thoughts, feelings and actions with the energetic frequency currents of fear. We form and shape our 3rd dimensional reality as surely as we live and breathe.” – Debra Oakland
“Unkindness is an ugly neighborhood to live in, and one few people want to visit.” – Debra Oakland
“Are you ready to embrace your true power by rejecting your false identity?“ – Debra Oakland
“Those who judge the most, trust the least.” – Debra Oakland
“Give & Receive – it’s a beautiful Co-Creation!” – Debra Oakland
“Gratitude is a drug. It is free and non-toxic.” – Debra Oakland
“Celebrate the life you have been given, for it is a sacred gift you have been entrusted with.” – Debra Oakland
“Gratitude creates a soul singing experience that will shift every area of your life. Gratitude = Joy-Full!” – Debra Oakland
“Living with an attitude of gratitude is a powerful catalyst for change in your life.” – Debra Oakland
“Take the time to thank those who have lifted you up along the way. Gratitude is a key activity to living a happy life.” – Debra Oakland
“In daily sacred space give thanks for all that is here, and all that is yet to come.” – Debra Oakland
“Forgiveness is everything the soul desires and the heart requires.” – Debra Oakland
“Keeping your energy at the highest vibration possible is one of the most important activities you can engage in. It not only enhances your life, but that of the collective. An added gift: Mother Earth applauds you! Don’t ‘feed’ negativity, you are here to BE Love.” – Debra Oakland
“Everything is energy. By raising your frequency each day you vibrate to positivity. Like attracts like. Spend one day without allowing negativity in. Each time a negative though takes over, replace it with a positive life affirming statement. You will find your world magically transforming around you.” – Debra Oakland
“Awareness grows through experiential evidence as we marvel at the world around us. Listening to the teachings of our soul brings understanding.” – Debra Oakland
“Anyone whose life purpose is to improve the human condition through compassion, love, knowledge, peace, and creativity is a great blessing to all life.” – Debra Oakland
“It’s our responsibility to help others walk where we’ve been with a helping hand and a loving heart.” – Debra Oakland
“Compassion in you breeds compassion in all. We lead by example.” – Debra Oakland
“Receptivity gives us the ability to open our hearts and minds to our highest and greatest good.” – Debra Oakland
Self-Mastery is a journey that tests our character and resolve. Our freedom lies in our own self-mastery.” – Debra Oakland
“Once we face the fact that a situation can be changed by how we react or respond to it, we enter into the flow of peace.” – Debra Oakland
“Life is full of illusions – which illusions are you willing to live with? You are more powerful than you know, trust in this as you connect to the inner powerhouse of YOU!” -Debra Oakland
“The more surface level the reason for the relationship or marriage, the shorter the shelf life of the relationship.” – Debra Oakland
“Persistence is a power quality capable of removing stubborn roadblocks, paving the way for great success.” – Debra Oakland
“The ingredients you put into your business will define what business means to you and determine the outcome of your success.” – Debra Oakland
Debra’s Definition of Courage
Living in courage is a big, broad subject. I see courage as the will to act from the strength and power within the heart. Courage is a quality you gain through overcoming life’s biggest challenges and something you become through experience. Living a courageous life happens when we allow the true essence of who we are to rise up and shine for all the world to see – regardless of other people’s opinions. Courageous individuals who are true to themselves feel a powerful resolve that’s unshakable, a true conviction of purpose, a willingness to carry on in the face of any challenge.
Standing in the power of purpose is a pure point of courage, available to everyone who cares to utilize it, which brings forward the power alive within. If this power has been diminished greatly, when awakened it can shatter the fear of moving forward toward an intention or goal.
Greatness arises from mediocrity. Lives are altered as awareness shifts to possibility and progress. The union of courage and honor is a great gift within the heart of every human soul.
My deepest wish is for us all to live courageously from the heart. I can’t think of a better place to live from.
What is your definition of courage? I would love to hear from you.
Debra Oakland
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