Accountability: Looking at Support Through the Lens of Love

Love Heart in Sand

Sue Ingebretson is an author, speaker, certified holistic health care practitioner and the director of program development for the Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Center at California State University, Fullerton.

She is also a Patient Advocate/Fibromyalgia Expert for the Alliance Health website and a Fibromyalgia editor for the website community.

Accountability: Looking at Support Through the Lens of Love by Sue Engebretson

As a holistic health care practitioner, I’m grateful to support my clients through the maze of healing from chronic health concerns. We discuss their goals, map out a route to get there, and then embark on the journey together.

What I didn’t expect, at this point in my life, is how that proclivity to co-create would leach into my everyday relationships. My impulse to support shows up in my conversations with family, friends, and colleagues. It’s so deeply ingrained that I’m no longer consciously aware of making the effort to support.

With every friendly encounter, my mind spins with internal dialogue such as, How could I support her healthy eating plans? Or, I wonder which of my handouts and resources would best support her?

While it sounds like I’m only discussing the topic of support, the act of accountability takes this intention one step further. Support is a valuable part of building close friendships. And, really good friends will not only support you – they’ll also hold you accountable for your highest good.

The term “accountability” can sometimes get a bad rap. The key is to consider the source of the intention. When selfishness comes into play, then accountability may serve as judgment, comparison, or even as an expression of power. In stark contrast, when accountability comes from a place of love, it’s there to hold someone up, encouraging them to be their highest (and happiest) self.

Here’s a favorite quote pointing to the results brought about through accountability:

“Accountability breeds response-ability”
– Steven R. Covey

I’m sure that everyone reading this newsletter has the absolute best of intentions. To help along the way, here are a few fundamental tips on how to incorporate the act of accountability with those you love.

Offer your help, guidance, support, and promise to follow-up with an open mind. Whether or not your offer is accepted, you’ve done your best. You’re both okay, either way.

Accountability is a two-way street. It’s only an act of love when it’s a mutual decision. Both parties must agree with and take part in whatever plan is created.

Be clear about your offer to support. Let her know when, how, and in what way you’ll follow-up. Ask for her own thoughts and ideas on how she’d like to be supported.

Celebrate the successes. Value the act of celebration along every step of the way.

Let her know that your support and accountability assistance is provided in a judgment-free zone. No matter what the outcome; you’re there to guide, not to chide.

As a reminder, support and accountability works when it comes from a place of love, encouragement, and wanting the best for others.

The amazing benefit of accountability is seeing success
sprout from your seeds of support.

When others feel supported and given a sense of responsibility for their own actions, they’re far more likely to embrace the motivation they need to move forward.

Have you helped anyone move forward today? Why wait?

Sue Ingebretson’s #1 Amazon best-selling chronic illness book, FibroWHYalgia, details her own journey from chronic illness to chronic wellness. She is also the creator of the FrazzleFrog™  a therapeutic stress-relieving tool which provides powerful healing benefits with fun and whimsy.
