The Golden Key to Upliftment!

The Golden Key to Upliftment

What is the golden key to upliftment? You are! Do you define your life by what you’ve done or what you have overcome? Looking back truly does distract from the “now” and very present moment we would benefit from living in, being uplifted in and thriving in. This is your life – you get to decide how to live it.

I read a quote recently that said “When things are falling apart they may be actually falling into place.” If you are you like me, you over-think things on occasion, especially things you place great importance on and wish to accomplish. Do you notice when you manage to get out of your own way, more often than not things fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle?

We are energy and by keeping that energy positive daily, the pieces of the puzzle move in the right direction and into the right position, at the right time and place. We can strive to be bigger than our worries and concerns. Trust that by simply uplifting yourself in whatever way best serves you – can and does works miracles.

My daily spiritual practice is my golden key to uplifment. This way I start the day out in a brighter light than if I jump up and rush around without any connection to my inner source. Imagine the enthusiasm of a small child waking up to explore a new day! If we start out directing our day in a positive way, find ways to be creative, enthusiastic, joy-full and express gratitude, upliftment becomes a wonderful companion.

Connect to your heart in all things. Your heart will lift you up as nothing else can because it’s true essence is love, just like yours is. Know it’s a beautiful day because YOU are in it!

Debra Oakland