Marilyn Monroe, Vanity Fair & Courage

I was reading the October Vanity Fair with Marilyn Monroe on the cover.  I was struck by a quote from Arthur Miller in his observation about Marilyn, which representes some of the courage and innocence she lived by:

“She always sees things as though for the first time.”

How wonderful to use this gift of seeing everything for the first time.  We are very jaded, bored and judgemental of the world around us.  If we used Marilyn’s method, we would walk around in wonder, enjoying life to the fullest.  Finding qualities in others that are positive is something we should look for and add to our emotional, physical and spiritual toolbelt for living a fuller, happier life.

Marilyn had many tragedies in her life, but let us learn from one of her great gifts – the wonder of seeing the world anew.  If we could see beauty where no beauty seemed to be, our lives would be much richer for it. I have a feeling Marilyn lived in courage in her own way, as each of us do.