Book – The Path of Truth & Courage

In the 12th Century, King Richard the Lion-Heart, King of England, led an army of his finest and bravest Knights to fight for the return of the One True Cross, and to clear the passage of Christians on Pilgrimage to the Holy City of Jerusalem. Among those chosen for this daring adventure was, Sir John Holcombe (the First). These Crusaders fought their way to the Holy Lands, winning decisive battles against Muslim forces. During one of the final battles, Sir John received wounds that ended his quest. He never recovered from his injuries, living long enough to complete the accompanying record, and to survive only part of the journey back to his beloved homeland and family in Dorchester, England. After being orphaned at the age of three and reared in poverty, Sir John later became one of the wealthiest and most respected men of his time. In the short period remaining from his final battle in the Crusades until his ultimate death, he wrote this account of the experiences and knowledge that brought him fame, wealth, and happiness. This is from the writings of Sir John Holcombe, Knight and Crusader for Truth and Courage.

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About the Author
J. Arthur Holcombe, a self-made millionaire and cancer survivor, is a direct descendant of Sir John Holcombe, Knight and Crusader who lived in the 12th Century. J. Arthur was raised and educated in rural Northwest Arkansas. Like his forefather, Mr. Holcombe rose from poverty by applying the secrets he shares with you in this book.