The Extraordinary Power of Nature vs Technology

Asian man in black jeans and black tee-shirt with a dark backpack standing on a walkway taking a picture with a smart phone of the green trees and forest in front of him.

Wow, have we humans gotten off track

We find ourselves navigating through a reality that often feels plucked from the pages of a science fiction novel, abandoning the very essence that nurtures, soothes, replenishes, and heals our weary spirits. Yes, I’m referring to nature – that which holds the power to restore and uplift us in profound ways.

But don’t just take my word for it; cast your gaze wide with unclouded vision. Technology has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our lives, invariably tethered to or integrated into our very beings. The pervasive energy emitted by these devices permeates every corner of our existence, impacting both individuals and environments alike.

Scan the busy streets, and you’ll observe a common scene: people darting about, their attention ensnared by the glow of screens or fixated on capturing the perfect selfie. In this whirlwind, the simple yet profound gestures of eye contact and shared smiles – hallmarks of human connection – grow increasingly scarce, particularly among the younger generations. Amidst the clamor of urban life, the tranquility and solace offered by nature often seem distant, relegated to the outskirts as bustling cities prioritize distraction over serenity.

Too many parents allow smart devices to be used as a babysitter

Are these parents fully aware that they’re essentially feeding their children a steady stream of dopamine from a very young age? It’s difficult to fathom that most parents remain oblivious to this fundamental reality. Just one among many risks, particularly for the delicate development of young minds and bodies. Have you ever attempted to pry one of these devices from a child’s grasp? The reaction is often immediate and intense. The same holds true for teenagers. They lose their shit!

Parents resort to confiscating these gadgets as a form of discipline, but why? It’s because children and adolescents relentlessly pursue what brings them the most pleasure. Taking away something they cherish or have become dependent on becomes a means of punishment, albeit with the intention of instilling better behavior. Encouraging children to engage with nature yields remarkable results. Once immersed in the natural world, they readily embrace it, highlighting the intrinsic appeal and benefits of outdoor experiences.

Parents – take the time to educate yourself

In today’s world, technology poses significant risks, especially for children. However, parents can take proactive steps to protect their kids. It’s crucial for parents to not only educate themselves on these dangers but also to impart this knowledge to their children. Encouraging curiosity and fostering a habit of asking questions, particularly about their health and well-being, is paramount. This goes beyond merely using technology as a disciplinary tool when a child misbehaves. Sadly, amidst the rapid advancement of technology, essential skills like communication and critical thinking are at risk of being neglected. We must acknowledge that we’re in a new era where technology is evolving rapidly. It’s imperative to prioritize safety measures for both ourselves and our families. The health ramifications of unchecked technology use are vast and cannot be overstated.

Steve Jobs & Bill Gates

Steve Jobs, the visionary behind Apple, passed away at the age of 56 after battling a rare form of pancreatic cancer, having undergone a liver transplant during his journey. Despite his pivotal role in creating revolutionary products like the iPhone and iPad, Jobs adopted a cautious approach when it came to his own children’s usage of these devices. He deliberately restricted their access to these technological marvels. So, the next time you’re bombarded by advertisements or pressured by your loved ones to embrace the latest gadget as indispensable to life, reflect on the fact that the very individual who spearheaded this technological revolution held a contrary belief. Jobs candidly admitted that iPads were banned in his household, deeming them too perilous for his children’s well-being.

It’s worth pondering the actions of two towering figures in the tech industry: Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Both men exhibited a notable reluctance to expose their own children to the very products they helped bring into existence. Gates, for instance, delayed his children’s access to cell phones until they were 14. This raises a pertinent question: What insights did these innovators possess about their creations that elude the average consumer? Their decisions speak volumes about their awareness of the potential impacts and perils associated with excessive technology usage. It’s a thought-provoking realization that should prompt us to pause. It’s long past time to reconsider our own relationship with these omnipresent devices.

Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles published a study

A study conducted by researchers at the University of California Los Angeles has shed light on a concerning trend: children’s social skills are notably enhanced within just a few days of refraining from electronic gadget use. This finding underscores the rapid erosion of cognitive and emotional development in today’s youth. Rising rates of depression serve as a stark indicator of this decline. The scarcity of low-tech educational environments exacerbates this issue. More people are longing for alternatives that prioritize human connection and holistic development.

While technology, including artificial intelligence (AI), undoubtedly offers numerous benefits, its pervasive presence also poses significant risks. Over-reliance on AI can stifle critical thinking and diminish our capacity for independent thought and action. In stark contrast, the natural world serves as a timeless and boundless source of wisdom and rejuvenation. Immersing ourselves in nature’s embrace provides invaluable lessons in resilience, interconnectedness, and the profound beauty of existence – all freely bestowed upon us.

In the midst of a fast-paced and increasingly digital society, our innate yearning for simplicity and serenity grows ever more pronounced. By carving out time to reconnect with nature and embrace its bountiful wonders, we nourish our body, mind, and spirit, replenishing our inner reserves and reaffirming the intrinsic value of living in harmony with the natural world.

Children are growing up without the joy and memories of what we elders call ‘back in the day’ activities

I remember when Mom used to call us in for dinner. As kids, we put up quite the resistance. We were entrenched in riding our bikes, playing baseball, building forts, climbing trees, or anything we could do outside in nature to keep our imagination and creativity buzzing. Inside, we read books, played, and helped with chores, but television was limited. Oh, and the dreaded homework. Imagine this: we dialed our phones attached to the wall ‘back in the day.’

Fast forward to today, and it seems like many youngsters are ensnared in the digital world. They have become captivated by the allure of screens and virtual realms. The omnipresent glow of devices bathes them in blue light, wreaking havoc on their biology. Effects are stunting cellular growth, disrupting hormone balance, and impeding crucial brain development. And let’s face it, adults aren’t immune to the allure of screens either. Damage is damage, no matter the age bracket.

But fear not, fellow adventurers, for I come bearing a valuable tip for safeguarding against the perils of blue light: blue-blocking glasses. Now, not just any glasses will do – mine are clear and worth every penny, with blue-blocking material woven throughout the glass. None of that flimsy coating business for us. So whether you’re glued to a screen or basking in the glow of indoor lighting (hello, non-native EMFs), donning these specs is a savvy investment in your well-being and for that of your family. Trust me, your eyes and your brain will thank you for it.

It’s crucial to invest time in understanding the devices we use and the energy they emit.

By doing so, we empower ourselves to take proactive steps to safeguard our well-being, our families, and our homes. With new research emerging daily about the detrimental impacts of technology on our physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual vitality, staying informed is more important than ever. While many may overlook this aspect, having the courage to speak up and advocate for greater awareness, as an increasing number of individuals are doing, paves the way for a brighter and healthier future for all.

Technology is here to stay; use it responsibly

We can’t live without it, but we can learn to protect ourselves as best we can. The alarming surge in diseases and the unprecedented rate of mortality underscore the urgency of this matter. Hospitals strain under the weight of patient numbers, highlighting the stark reality of our current health crisis. Money, money, mo money! Maintaining a steadfast commitment to truth is paramount. Be the CEO of YOU. I don’t know about you, but I have a low tolerance for being lied to. Particularly by people I had trusted and put my faith in—just my way of thinking. It’s simply a matter of personal integrity. Thanks for listening to my perspective.


  1. Wow! This is some important article, every parent read
    it. We could all benefit by it for sure, makes sense to me…

    • Debra Oakland says

      I agree and it should make sense to everyone, and for many it is too late to mitigate the damage. We all need the courage to speak out on these topics.

  2. Thank you for diving into this topic. It’s so important but not talked about. It’s critical for us to understand what you are saying and protect the little ones and every age from the phones damaging blue light and radiation.
    Thank you for your amazing newsletters!
    Your fan,

    • Debra Oakland says

      Thank You for this awesome comment and for appreciating my articles and newsletter. Spread the word, it’s our responsibility to speak up, as we know, sadly – profit comes before the well-being of humanity.

  3. This article outlines the issues of overexposure to non-native artificial light and it’s affects on health. Great job Deb!!!

  4. Sara Gamal says

    No human technology can totally replace ‘nature’s technology’, which has been honed over hundreds of millions of years to provide critical functions for life on Earth. A fertile, diverse natural environment and a stable climate have served as the foundation for our civilization’s prosperity and will continue to do so in the future.

    • Debra Oakland says

      I agree Sara, you summed up ‘nature’s technology’ perfectly. Thank you for your comment – much appreciated.

  5. Thanks for this interesting article. So important that we remember to distance ourselves from the lure of the screen. It is addictive and so unhealthy in many ways as you have outlined. Thanks for the reminder to check in with ourselves in this area. As you say Jobs and Gates had reservations themselves about the technology. An insight into the perils right there.
    Can you please share a link to the blue blocking glasses you mention. Thank you.

    • Debra Oakland says

      I completely concur with you, Sally. It’s crucial to restore a ‘healthy balance’ in our engagement with technology. In a world inundated with distractions, many of which pose risks to our health and overall well-being, it’s imperative to take proactive measures. Personally, I’ve found great relief with blue-blocking glasses from European Optical in Laguna Beach, CA. They demonstrate a profound understanding of the adverse effects of excessive blue light exposure. Their collection of glasses is not only aesthetically pleasing but also devoid of the typical yellow or orange tint, offering clear lenses with 100% protection. Additionally, they offer reading glasses and customization services, allowing you to insert 100% blue-blocking lenses into your preferred frames. It’s truly a delightful shopping experience!