Gratitude – Gratitude – Gratitude

Today I am grateful for every beat of my heart, for every breath I take, and this gift of life I have been given. What are you grateful for? Think about it. Gratitude is essential for manifestation. How can we be given more, if we are not grateful for what is already in our lives? Doesn’t that seem to go against the natural laws of the universe? As a whole, we greatly underestimate the power we hold to create excellence on our lives.

Those who have achieved greatness in the face of adversity pushed through every obstacle, using their will, courage and spirit – the core of achievement. There are many times when we get what we want, and instead of savoring the moment in gratitude, off we go, running to the next thing that seems more important. Focus is lost. Gratitude is sometimes forgotten, or ignored. We start asking why our lives are not working as well as expected. A circle of activity that repeats over and over, until we take action to make a conscious change.

With the wonderful presence of new technologies, the pace of life has accelerated greatly, leaving most people with “not enough time” for the simple pleasures in life. Make a choice to choose what brings you joy and peace. Be grateful. When waking up, decide how you want your day to go. Pre-pave by imagining a clear picture of the activities in your mind, feeling positive and successful. When going to bed in the evening, be grateful for the activities of the day. Write down 5 things from the day you are grateful for. Having a written copy to look at from time to time, can be of value.  This will keep you out of worrisome negative thinking habits, allowing your mind to reprogram itself to success. You are so powerful. Take a stand in your life. It is so important you do this. Your happiness and a courageous life “well lived” depends on it. I send my love to each of you as you take your stand in the joy you were meant to be. Go out and make it a great day.

Debra Oakland @ Living in Courage Online