The Dynamic Duo: The Indispensable Role of Truth and Trust

Why Truth and Trust Matter Truth holds immense significance, for anything diverging from it, in my perception, often manifests as either a falsehood or a deliberate distortion of the truth. Trust is the bedrock of genuine connections in our lives, making the pursuit of truth paramount for … [Read more...]

What Is Truth & Why Does It Matter?

Think about truth and it’s implications What does truth mean to you? A hot topic of discussion in its own right for thousands of years. Unwavering beliefs have a strong hold over people. Your truth and my truth may vary greatly, depending on the subject. Here is one conclusion I believe in. Truth … [Read more...]

The Great Unraveling

I read this statement recently, "Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with." Who do we trust, and why? I started thinking about who I trust. I don't trust government. Why lie to the masses, hide and alter vitally important information? Why deceive good people like you, people … [Read more...]