You Hold The Wisdom Keys

You Hold The Wisdom Keys

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” – Aristotle

Wisdom Keys I have found helpful over the years!

  • Keep an open mind.
  • Become a vibratory match to what you want to experience in your life. Making choices that support your life will magnetize to you just what you need, at the appropriate time and place.
  • Imagine this world pristine, healed, peace-full, loving and joy-full.
  •  The “Bridge to Freedom” is inside of you.
  • Still the mind to learn the “Art of Listening.” Communication is a two way street, and for effective results listen with your eyes, ears and heart before you speak.
  • Knowing versus Believing.
  • When you are able to let go of ego (edging God out), your outer self will be shown the gift your inner self wants to deliver.
  • Prepare the soil, plant seeds of positivity and nurture one desire at a time. By nurturing just one single desire at a time, you will attract boundless abundance in every aspect of your life.
  • You cannot teach effectively what you are not. A wise mentor or spiritual teacher will guide you to the understanding that you hold the keys to all the answers you seek, and that those keys are inside of you.
  •  Co-Create through Co-Operation.
  • Feed your hopes, not your fears.
  • Never give up. Look to the wisdom of Nature as an example.
  •  Your “Good” depends on you

Debra Oakland