How To Create Amazing Joy That Lasts

Be the master of your destiny Our greatest joy is in creating, so when you create a life of joy intentionally - you have created something that lasts. First matter at hand and most important is Conscious Choice. Every choice you make in each moment of the day molds and shapes your life. Life is a … [Read more...]

What Can I Do To Show That I Appreciate You?

"Appreciation is an excellent thing. It makes what is excellent in others, belong to us as well." - Voltaire Do you ever wonder what you can do to show appreciation to others? Appreciation is a quality that is key to sustaining healthy relationships  - a way of letting people know you value and … [Read more...]

Hold Yourself Accountable

Accountability is Key When things don't go your way, and lately things haven't been going the way most people would hope, what do you do? It's easy to blame, casting dispersion's/aspersions on those we feel have done despicable things. The outer world is often a cesspool of things most good folks … [Read more...]

Life’s Inconsistencies & Conundrums

Life's inconsistencies and conundrums can leave us confused, angry, defiant, and feeling like life is spinning out of our perceived control. The outer world is the forum to lead us back to our inner world, where our true power lives and breathes. When we see beyond the illusion of what we perceive … [Read more...]

Our Deepest Pain Empowers Us

Often our deepest pain empowers us to grow into our highest self. The world is in the midst of dissension and massive change. Physical, mental, and spiritual pain is rippling out in waves. At the same time, hope is in the hearts of people for a brighter future. As we step back and view the movie … [Read more...]