Adaptability In The Modern World

Josh Kaufman in his new book How to Fight a Hydra states: "People strive to make their world comprehensible, predictable, and rewarding, but their locus of control extends only so far. No matter who you are, what you do, or the resources you have at your disposal, you have to learn to live with … [Read more...]

Become A Love Magnet

Have you ever thought about becoming a love magnet? The word love carries the highest of vibrations. Love is a concentrated, positive, magnetic quality in every human heart, the essence of who we are. The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body. As we shift our … [Read more...]

Gratitude Reflections

It seems appropriate to end the year of 2011 with Gratitude.  Of all the 144 Qualities of Love, gratitude is one of my personal favorites.  There have been endless words written about this quality, personal moments of sacred silence in gratitude, outward expressions of thankfulness in every … [Read more...]

Courage Turns Challenges Into Opportunities

Vince Lombardi (football coach) talks about challenges.  We all have challenges in our lives.  What I see as the difference in the outcome of the challenge is how we handle it going in.  You get to make a choice every time something comes up and seems out of your control.  These challenges build … [Read more...]