Unlocking Fluidity – Let Your Spirit Flow Like A River

A river flows freely, a seamless integration with its environment It takes great skill and dexterity for humans to emulate this fluid dance of nature. Rather than surrendering control to glide effortlessly and meander as the flow takes us, we struggle, creating waves that may not be necessary. Oh, … [Read more...]

How To Navigate Life In A World Gone Mad

Unless you live under a rock you know our world is going through a massive global shift. There are days when it is not easy to stay calm or courageous, and you may want to hide under a rock. Navigating life in a world that seems chaotic and unpredictable can be challenging, but there are several … [Read more...]

Where Do We Go From Here?

If you are alive and breathing, you have noticed a world divided. Where do we go from here? I highly recommend doing your own research. Search for truth, I cannot emphasize this enough. What are you are being told to believe or passively accepting as truth? This year, things are going to be … [Read more...]

Intrinsic Growth – Expand or Contract

What we change inwardly will change outer reality. - Plutarch. I am re-sharing an article I wrote in 2019. These words are more important now than ever... In the midst of the insanity we are seeing in the outer world, there is a grass roots movement taking hold. The roots of this movement are … [Read more...]

Resiliency Can Be A Superpower

In times of change and distress It's necessary to adapt if you wish to be resilient - a tried and true superpower. As a collective, we are going through monumental change in the world. Everyone has been affected. I first learned about true resiliency when I lost 5 family members in a few short … [Read more...]