Worn out? I get it! A little restorative resuscitation could be in order. No matter what is going on in the outer world, our responsibility is our inner world. The space inside us that creates resilience when we need it most. Imagine sitting back in a hammock with your favorite beverage in hand, … [Read more...]
Restorative Resuscitation & Resilience
Awakening to Balance and Peace in the Midst of Global Turmoil

Over the past few years... My articles have aimed to gently encourage readers to become more aware of the realities unfolding in the world beyond. In the tumultuous landscape of the world today, it has become increasingly essential for each of us to recognize the profound impact of external events … [Read more...]
Unlocking Fluidity – Let Your Spirit Flow Like A River

A river flows freely, a seamless integration with its environment It takes great skill and dexterity for humans to emulate this fluid dance of nature. Rather than surrendering control to glide effortlessly and meander as the flow takes us, we struggle, creating waves that may not be necessary. Oh, … [Read more...]
On The Precipice
We are no closer to peace than we have ever been Cycles flow through every age in time, and there is an equilibrium that has been lost, hijacked and hopelessly out of the hands of the many, and remains (quite precariously) in the hands of the few. You couldn’t write a more bizarre script, but it … [Read more...]
If Not Us, Then Who, and When? What Have We Become?
Who are we and what have we become? Bickering, arguing, judging and criticizing each other when we claim to be kind loving souls, completely undermines our mission. A dis-service to all life occurs when fear and anger enter stage right and begin directing the show. We are better than this and love … [Read more...]
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