Fearless by Design: Building a Life of Courage and Strategy

Courageous living in the modern world

I was thinking about the one thing that separates people in a significant way. I concluded it is – a difference of opinion. Think about anything that unsettles people. It’s a different opinion or point of view individuals are unwavering on. This includes relationships, work, politics, social media, money, health, or anything you can come up with. It wasn’t always as it is now. Social media has become a big distraction, and for many, an unhealthy obsession. Over the years I have loved social media for business, keeping up with family and friends, as well as new friends I’ve met around the world. Too often lately, I witness negativity and fear. Two things that do not feed our soul or bring us joy.

I find this sad and unsettling…

A difference of opinion and spirited debates are the age I grew up in. People would banter back and forth, enjoying the differing thoughts and ideas presented. Much like a chess game is played. Critical thinking, imagine that! CT people keep an open mind. Listening and learning from ‘the other side’ of the fence, so to speak, uniting people rather than dividing them. If you understand both sides (even if you do not or will never agree) you become well-informed and wiser for it.

Strategy is the world we live in now

I see strategy everywhere, in everything. It’s a game of chess, not even well played. Keeping people at each other’s throats tears unity apart. As a human race, we need to pull together, not apart. Think about trying to get a child to eat something they think they don’t like. The resistance is steadfast, yet it becomes their favorite food later in life. They may even say, “I never knew until now.”

I feel like I am living in a land of  ‘trigger, trigger, trigger,’ and I know for certain that to discourage critical thinking is not in anyone’s best interest. I for one, will not participate, nor will I fight it. Why? Some people are going to do what they are going to do. It is a waste of time and energy that I can spend on something productive that feeds my body, mind, and spirit. I choose to live my life by design, fearless and courageous.

Many have come to the conclusion to keep their outside voice quiet while their inner voice is yelling, “WTF!”  Others shout from the rooftops to anyone who will listen. I wonder, how do you feel? It’s an information war out there with lines drawn in the sand. As I have always said, “Do your homework” to ensure you know both sides of a situation before making a decision you may regret in the future. Have a blueprint of your own to guide you. It’s useless to fight against someone whose mind you cannot change. But, just like the child who will not eat his ‘peas’ – they may one day change their mind.

People are tired, confused, and in fear right now

Living in courage isn’t always easy, but it is a requirement if you wish to build a fearless life by design, (through these tumultuous times) in peace and calm. The reason I built this Living in Courage website was to assist others dealing with loss, grief and overwhelming challenges. My husband and I came out the other side of the loss (forever loving those we lost) we experienced in a short few years. We pulled together, filled with love, strength, courage, and peace. Soon after, I wrote my book, “Change Your Movie, Change Your Life: 7 Reel Concepts for Courageous Change.”

Keep in mind, courage is not about doing everything on your own. Seeking support and inspiration from those you trust can help you maintain higher levels of courage and resilience. Others my need your wisdom, no matter the situation or outcome they are experiencing. Be the calm in the storm, my friends. Strategic, fearless, adaptable, and courageous in the face of anything life throws at you. We are all in for a bumpy ride. If you happen to experience motion sickness, remember that it is only temporary and will pass!


  1. Your newsletter is on point this month. I was just sharing same sentiments at a dinner party about growing up with playful, sometimes animated banter. Miss those days. Keep the good stuff coming!

    • Debra Oakland says

      TYSM, Sandie. I miss those days as well. I appreciate your comment, and more good stuff is coming your way in my Living in Courage Newsletters!

  2. Thank you for another wonderful article. I think that discussing differences of opinions is a very healthy thing to do on many subjects. But there are a few personal decisions that I make that I just keep to myself because I feel that is my own decisions to make. I find that discussing politics in this day and time can be so divisive that I keep my opinion to myself, other than that, I am open to discuss just about anything

    • Debra Oakland says

      Right you are BJ. Politics has sadly divided our world, and the madness is just beginning. Bumpy ride ahead for all of us. My hope is that, in the end, the challenges ahead will unite us all.

  3. Thank you for this amazing newsletter. So need your encouragement today and love your health tips! More please!!! Thank you for putting this together for us.

    • Debra Oakland says

      I’m thrilled you enjoyed this month’s Living in Courage Newsletter, Frankie. I have more great things coming, as I love sharing my Health Hacks!

  4. Another great article and so apt for the current landscape we find ourselves in be it near or far. It is sad that the days of honest open discussion seem few and far between. Opinions now divide rather than provide food for thought.
    That said I believe this is a blip for humanity and we will once again have the discussions that have always lead to a better understanding for all.

    • Debra Oakland says

      Thank you Sally, for this insight-full comment. I applaud you – very well said. I agree wholeheartedly and believe this is a blip that is needed to create a massive shift.

  5. Great article! When I was a kid, my cousins would come to visit the farm on weekends. Our parents had strong political differences, which led to heated debates at the dinner table. But back then, no matter how intense things got, everyone hugged and expressed their love before leaving.

    What really struck me in this article is your mention of ‘living in the land of trigger, trigger, trigger.’ I constantly see fake images meant to do just that—trigger us. As a critical thinker, I don’t fall for everything I see, and if you’re reading this, you shouldn’t either.”

    • Debra Oakland says

      Teresa, thank you for being a critical thinker and for your comment. Debates in ‘the old days’ were spicy and sometimes heated, but you learned to think for yourself and to appreciate ideas and thoughts that did not match your own. It’s a different world in which we live now…

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