Courage & Grace

You wake up in the morning feeling great, ready to take on the world.  Your feel that your day will be wonderful and then ka-boom, you get pulled out of the happy place and into feelings that make you not so happy. It is wise to stop getting pulled out of your core by going into human reactor mode. … [Read more...]

Courageous Rules To Live By

Do you have the courage to follow these rules? They can change your life. They are not easy.  We walk around on automatic pilot most of the time.  Habit is powerful, change is not always easy, but essential to living the life you dream of.  It won’t just happen unless you put some effort into … [Read more...]

Enjoy Courage Today & Everyday

Happy September from Living in Courage.  I love this article by Vernon Howard.  Every day we have another  choice to make powerful decisions about the direction we choose our life to move into.  So go out there, gather your courage, strength and resolve to live a powerful life. Now You Can Enjoy … [Read more...]

Tell Me Why – Declan Galbraith Sings

Declan Galbraith sings "Tell Me Why." This young boy can sing, and what a message of waking up to using our courage to help change the world. When children send the message it is especially powerful. Please take the time to listen to the words and look at the images portrayed. When we each gather … [Read more...]

Have the Courage not to Judge

Those who judge the most, trust the least. ~~~ Debra Oakland Living in Courage Online … [Read more...]