The Simplicity of Being – A Puzzle

Full moon, clouds like a puzzle

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo Da Vinci

The simplicity of being, a puzzle to be sure. Let’s say you were brought to this space and time on earth to experience yourself in a way that captures the essence of your potential as a human. We are all different, each having a unique and personal essence, much like our fingerprints. Your essence is the very core of the universe swirling around inside you, identifying you as who you are. There is simplicity in our complexity, and this we understand. For as long as there has been life on earth, humans have searched for answers to unanswerable questions. The search has been in, out, through and around ourselves. Until the search is focused on the inner essence with laser beam intensity, our questions will remain elusive and unanswered.

Much like a jigsaw puzzle, we will find the pieces inside us that fit together perfectly. The pieces must correlate to our life experiences, not that of another. People may give you clues, direction, suggestions and such, but each piece must be placed in position by you – consciously. Think of your life puzzle as the most beautiful intricate design you are in no hurry to finish. The process is scintillating in it’s simplicity and complexity. The ever unfolding story of the shape of your life. Piece by precious piece…

Collectively we are sharing this ever unfolding adventure in the complex search for simplicity. Experiencing the elements of self expansion with unbridled curiosity, thrills and fills our soul. We are eternal beings of energetic essence, desiring to express in as many scenarios and dimensions as possible. Contrast is how we determine, through examination of thoughts, feelings and actions, what we do and do not want to experience. Again, complex, yet simple. We set it up this way, to enjoy or shift out of the many destinations and scenarios we arrive at, and in. We are more than we can imagine.

The power of choice is one of our greatest resources in any lifetime. Your choice, not that of another – this is where your heart beats, where your soul expresses. To find the balance needed to fully express yourself, look into your heart with wonder, trust, curiosity and playfulness. The love you look for in the outer world is inside you, waiting to partner with you in every aspect of your life. You have a road-map, a blueprint, a completed puzzle waiting to direct, design and help you put the pieces in place, and it’s been there all along.

This is just a prompt to help you re-remember.



  1. Love this elegantly written post Debra, and your use of the metaphor of life as a puzzle! I particularly connected with “You have a road-map , a blueprint, a completed puzzle waiting to direct, design and help you put the pieces in place.” It is SOoo true that “the power of choice is one of our greatest resources”! Thanks for sharing your wisdom is such a creative way.

  2. So true! Love the metaphor of a simple puzzle. Thank you Debra!

  3. TY Debra! Simple Puzzle Indeed ~ πŸ™‚

  4. Every time I find a new piece that fits, it feels like Christmas morning!

  5. You know…YOU KNOW πŸ™‚ The word I chose for 2017 is Uncomplicated. Simple. Ease. Grace. BEing. I’ve spent a lifetime over complicating things. Thinking too much. Over analyzing and over achieving. I have no missing puzzle pieces. Everything I need has been right here all along. xxxooo

  6. “Think of your life puzzle as the most beautiful intricate design you are in no hurry to finish.” LOVE this, Debra. The whole post is like a beautiful song – simple, yet complex. Thank you.

  7. Debra, I love this and yes it is in the choices whether we make it complex or simple – xx

  8. I love the quote by Da Vinci – what a great motto for this beautifully written reminder to keep things simple. πŸ™‚ Simplicity is, in fact, enriching. We can learn a lot from hermits and monks. They are choosing to live simply for a higher reason but their lives are full.

    • Debra Oakland says

      Thank you Mihaela. I agree simplicity in enriching and those who live in simplicity have much to teach us!

  9. Lore Raymond says

    Appreciating your puzzle metaphor for such an important life message. WOWZA, Debra! I especially resonated with, “Think of your life puzzle as the most beautiful intricate design you are in no hurry to finish. The process is scintillating in its simplicity and complexity. The ever-unfolding story of the shape of your life. Piece by precious piece…” I will never look at a puzzle the same way after reading this…which I will have to re-read again to get the FULL RICHNESS of your message. xoxo

    • Debra Oakland says

      Thank you for your beautiful comment Lore. I’m thrilled you resonated with the message. xoxo

  10. Love this Debra! Wow, I was journaling this morning and the main theme was this year is about re-connecting more with my real essence and peeling away everything that is not truly me, so I live from my center. My goal this year is to listen more to my inner voice so I understand more the wisdom of my soul and live more intentionally, to effortlessly enjoy more joy, love, self-expression and freedom. My last note this morning was “By connecting with the wisdom of my soul, I live a life of expansion”. Thanks for sharing your beautiful post! πŸ™‚ <3

    • Debra Oakland says

      Patricia, thank you for your thoughtful comment. I am happy you enjoyed my post. Happy 2017! πŸ™‚ xox