I Met A Man…

I had the pleasure of meeting the most remarkable man recently; a man who shall remain unnamed. I know he would approve with his big smile and a chuckle. As a small group of friends celebrated his 95th birthday recently, this wise and extremely savvy man shared bits and pieces of his life with … [Read more...]

I Celebrate the Courage in all Mothers

Today is my birthday and I celebrate the Courage in all mothers everywhere. I really think that if anyone gets a gift, it should be my mom. The photo here is of my beautiful mother, BJ Welch.  I must express my gratitude for all the years of nurturing, support and love I received. I was very … [Read more...]

Donald Hendricks

Donald, Cody and I want to wish you a very Happy Birthday today. Donald is a longtime friend of ours, who is an amazing artist and illustrator. Donald owns Legacy Designs and Publishing, visit at Paper Dolls. We have all been through so much together and share a common bond. We are leaving for … [Read more...]