The Three C’s

A few years ago I wrote an article for Aspire Magazine. The title was Curiosity, Creativity & Courage. In re-reading the article, which was never posted on my website, I felt these words are as relevant today as when I wrote them. Who better to share them with, than you? Curiosity, … [Read more...]

Everyone Has a Story

  Everyone has a story. Why does ours seem more important than the next guy or gals? Because we have experienced and lived through the physical and emotional highs and lows that are felt to the core of our being. We have picked ourselves up courageously and carried on, even when we did not … [Read more...]

Courage To Follow Your Heart & Intuition – Steve Job

My friend Marie Louise Steenbjerg sent me this quote about courage.  How much have we lost in our life that could have been ours yet we passed right by? I would say a great deal.  It takes conviction of purpose, living in courage with passion to follow our life's path.  No one said it would be easy, … [Read more...]

Courage Defined by Debra Oakland

Today I was thinking about Courage. Huge subject, but this is what came to me while mulling it over. Courage is the will to act upon the strength and power within the Heart. Courage is not something you can have, it is something you become. To live a courageous life takes place in a person when … [Read more...]