Love is Waiting for YOU! Are You Ready?

Love is Waiting for YOU! Are You Ready?

Love is Waiting for YOU! Are You Ready? You are probably wondering why I say love is waiting for you, right? Well, it’s Valentine’s Day and I got to thinking about perspective. This is a day that irks many people for a variety of reasons. Those who are deeply in love embrace the day, just as new lovers do. For people who are looking for love, it can be a frustrating day with all the hoopla around the word “Valentine” – much more so than around the word “Love.”

Many of us grew up giving Valentine’s cards in school and at home. Asking someone to be your Valentine was well thought out, and kind of a big deal for a young person. We developed expectations. Add chocolate, presents and pressure to the equation, oh wait, and that it is generally meant for women…well, you see the crux of the matter!

Self love is the first and most important love of all. It’s waiting for us to embrace ourselves, to generally be okay with who and what we are. Are we ready for that kind of love? It’s called unconditional love and we owe it to ourselves to say YES, I love myself.

When we love ourselves, it is enough, anything else is icing on the cake. You don’t NEED another person to complete you, or to make you happy. That is your responsibility. If you are in a relationship depending on another human to make your life perfect, you will eventually be shown the lessons you signed up for. Start with loving you, then send love out into the world and a vibrational energetic match will show up. The Universe will meet you exactly where you are. It may end up being a lesson for growth, or it may be true love.  Whatever comes your way, make sure you start with self love and the rest will fall into place beautifully.

Happy Valentine’s Day!