Live In Courage As Never Before

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. - Helen Keller We tend to fear the unknown Where does living in courage come in? Our aim in life is happiness, don't you agree? This is where courage takes center stage. If we live in a state of fear, our happiness … [Read more...]

If Not Us, Then Who, and When? What Have We Become?

Who are we and what have we become? Bickering, arguing, judging and criticizing each other when we claim to be kind loving souls, completely undermines our mission. A dis-service to all life occurs when fear and anger enter stage right and begin directing the show. We are better than this and love … [Read more...]

Our Deepest Pain Empowers Us

Often our deepest pain empowers us to grow into our highest self. The world is in the midst of dissension and massive change. Physical, mental, and spiritual pain is rippling out in waves. At the same time, hope is in the hearts of people for a brighter future. As we step back and view the movie … [Read more...]

I Met A Man…

I had the pleasure of meeting the most remarkable man recently; a man who shall remain unnamed. I know he would approve with his big smile and a chuckle. As a small group of friends celebrated his 95th birthday recently, this wise and extremely savvy man shared bits and pieces of his life with … [Read more...]

Become A Love Magnet

Have you ever thought about becoming a love magnet? The word love carries the highest of vibrations. Love is a concentrated, positive, magnetic quality in every human heart, the essence of who we are. The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field produced in the body. As we shift our … [Read more...]