Dedication to The Triad of You!

When you adopt a positive attitude toward challenges you become dedicated to self improvement and well-being. Dedication encompasses commitment, follow through, perseverance and oftentimes some good old fashioned elbow grease. There are so many layers to dedication, but let's focus on self … [Read more...]

Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

[Tweet "“If you can’t get out of the box people put you in, chew a hole in the corner and crawl out.” – Debra Oakland"] Step out of your comfort zone, don't you feel it's time? I was talking to my husband Cody about comfort zones recently. We were discussing why people continue to do things that … [Read more...]

Recipe For Business Success

"The ingredients you put into your business will define what business means to you and determine the outcome of your success." - Debra Oakland Looking for a recipe for business success? As we all know in any great recipe the ingredients are everything. To create your masterpiece, using the right … [Read more...]

Happiness Is…

 Happiness is many things - peace of mind being a key component. Happiness and feelings of well-being-ness, which lead to peace of mind are personal, wouldn't you agree?  Many years ago the Sociology Department at Duke University did a study on “Peace of Mind”.  After studying hundreds of people, … [Read more...]

Acceptance = Non-Resistance?

Acceptance = Non-Resistance, or does it? After a lifetime of contrast and life lessons, I am still working on non-resistance, how about you? In Eckhart Tolle's book "A New Earth - Awakening to Your Life's Purpose" there is a great deal written about the pain body, which is the EGO's way of staying … [Read more...]