Money and Spirituality – Bridging the Gap

Guest Article & Image by Emmanuel Dagher - When you think of, hear about, or see images that depict financial abundance, do you cringe or get offended in any way? If you don’t, then I am so grateful to know that you have done the inner work to expand yourself into greater states of understanding … [Read more...]

MAP = Money Abundance Prosperity

Let's be honest. We all want to live a life filled with abundance. Three words - Money, Abundance, Prosperity. Topics emotionally charged that are interwoven together. Each of these words strikes a different cord in us. Personally, I prefer the word abundance, reminding me I live in an abundant … [Read more...]

The Manifestation Maven In Action!

I wanted to introduce you to Kimberly Schneider, The Manifestation Maven, who I had the pleasure of meeting recently. Kimberly is the creator of The Cornucopia Method of Manifestation™, a powerful and proven 5-step process that has helped thousands of people all over North America create more of … [Read more...]

Live Courageously by Choice

“The only place you can live in the land of not enough, is in your own mind.” Debra Oakland … [Read more...]

It Takes Courage to Say "How Easy Can It Be?"

I notice people talking about how hard everything is. Life, work, relationships, parenthood, growing up, letting go - you get the idea. We have programmed ourselves, and not in a positive way in most regards. Life is not supposed to be a struggle, we make it that way. It takes courage to say, "How … [Read more...]