Accountability Counts!

“If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your trouble, you wouldn't sit for a month.” - Theodore Roosevelt Many types of accountability branch out into different areas of our life. Imagine accountability as a tree with many branches, connected to the source of growth and … [Read more...]

Inspirational Gallery

Inspirational quotes and images that I am enjoying this month. I am excited to share them with you and hope you find value in them. We can all use inspiration in our lives to encourage us on the path forward. I like to think of quotes as condensed wisdom. Why do you think they are so popular with … [Read more...]

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit

Healing Body, Mind & Spirit is a three fold activity. Healing each of these three areas in a balanced way is important to your well-being. If one is out of balance the other two areas suffer. We are energy - everything is interconnected. Our cells talk to each other in their own unique … [Read more...]

Do You Ever Have A Misty Morning?

As the old proverb goes - A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. When we wake up in the morning, one of the best things to do is start the day out on the bright side of the bed. I know if I wake up and worry about a long list of things I have to do during the day, frustration and stress … [Read more...]

You Hold The Wisdom Keys

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle Wisdom Keys I have found helpful over the years! Keep an open mind. Become a vibratory match to what you want to experience in your life. Making choices that support your life will magnetize to you just what you need, at the … [Read more...]