Book – My Stroke of Insight – Jill Bolte Taylor

You have probably heard about Jill Bolte Taylor who was a neuroscientist working at Harvard's brain research center. Dr. Taylor experienced Nirvana, by having a stroke. This stroke happened Dec 10th 1996, when she was 37. You will find the video of Dr. Taylor explaining the entire experience on … [Read more...]

Jim Rohn – What choices are you making?

Jim Rohn is one of the leading motivational speakers in the world, a philosopher and entrepreneur. He is very straightforward. I love this message he gives. I expand on these words of Jim Rohn in my new e-book "Living in Courage" which will be offered free to you in June of 2008. Think about this … [Read more...]

Scott Rigsby – Changing the World, One Race at a Time

Scott Rigsby is a double amputee from Southwest Georgia who runs Triatalons, The Iron Man and has set 2 World Records. I was very inspired by his attitude. Scott lives by a simple motto - Do what you can, do the best you can and don't ever quit. He says you can sit on the sidelines of life or get … [Read more...]

Are you an Encourager or a Discourager?

I would like to quote Josh Hinds, a Syndicated Columnist and Author "Whether or not we realize it each of us has within us the ability to set some kind of example for people. Knowing this would you rather be the one known for being the one who encouraged others, or the one who inadvertently … [Read more...]

How My Story Launched This Website

Imagine this, over a 6 year period, I lost my 21 year old son, my unborn baby girl in my 8th month of pregnancy, 2 brothers to AIDS, and my father. I could have given up, felt sorry for myself, made it about me, instead I asked myself what each one of them would have wanted for me, and that was to … [Read more...]