10 Important Steps to Stay Calm in The Face of a Chaotic World

Whether you realize it or not We are facing very uncertain times - worldwide. We live in a world of secrets that are unraveling across the globe. It's scary, no matter how tough you think you are. Of course, there are wonderfully happy times in life, great people, laughter, love and peace. This … [Read more...]

Awakening to a Changing World: Taking Control of Our Future

  In a rapidly evolving world... it's disheartening to witness intelligent individuals allowing themselves to be swayed by assumptions and beliefs without conducting proper investigations. Embracing an open mind and taking charge of our destinies are essential steps towards personal growth … [Read more...]

Rethinking The Future – Wisdom From The Past

We all have new schedules living at home. Inside my home the full service diner is open 24/7. As head chef, chopping and mixing, with assistant/sous chef (husband Cody) who is doing such a good job, I'm feeling the need to increase his tips. In such close quarters he is observing all my culinary … [Read more...]

The Real Terrorist IS War – Choose Peace Now

Mike Prysner tells of his feelings during the war,  how the war woke him up to the truth of what is really going on. This video is amazing, to say the least.  It took great courage for Mike to speak out.  This video touched my heart to the core.  Please share this with others who believe we can all … [Read more...]

Charter for Compassion – A Courageous Way To Live

The Charter for Compassion is the result of Karen Armstrong’s 2008 TED Prize wish, made possible by the generous support of the Fetzer Institute. It will be unveiled to the world on November 12, 2009. You may wonder what Charter for Compassion is all about.  Their Golden Rule is to put themselves … [Read more...]