I Celebrate the Courage in all Mothers

Today is my birthday and I celebrate the Courage in all mothers everywhere. I really think that if anyone gets a gift, it should be my mom. The photo here is of my beautiful mother, BJ Welch.  I must express my gratitude for all the years of nurturing, support and love I received. I was very … [Read more...]

Gift Yourself with Courage

As I sit near a window overlooking the pacific ocean, I can in this moment, only feel grateful. I look back on my life at all the stories, real, imagined, my history, each one that has brought me  to this moment. I have come to the conclusion that living in the present, "this now moment" is a gift I … [Read more...]

The Power of Peace

Most of my life I have waited for others around me to make the changes I wished to see in the world. I realize now that I am part of that change and have a voice for peace. It takes courage for me to speak out, which I will be doing on a more regular basis. Pleasing everyone is not important to me … [Read more...]

Randy Pausch Update – A Perfect Day

May 18th, 2008: A perfect day! Everyone should have a day this perfect in their lives. Carnegie Mellon flew Jai and me up to Pittsburgh to attend graduation. I had the honor of giving the charge to the graduates at the end of the ceremony. Even the weather cooperated to make it a perfect … [Read more...]

Jim Rohn – What choices are you making?

Jim Rohn is one of the leading motivational speakers in the world, a philosopher and entrepreneur. He is very straightforward. I love this message he gives. I expand on these words of Jim Rohn in my new e-book "Living in Courage" which will be offered free to you in June of 2008. Think about this … [Read more...]