Don’t Be Afraid To Share A Piece Of Your Soul

A piece of your soul We each have an 'inner-standing' about our personal soul on a very deep level. Our 'understanding' of the soul, at times, is quite different and can be lost in translation over the course of our lives. Sharing a piece of our soul with another can be daunting, yet exhilarating. … [Read more...]

Intrinsic Growth – Expand or Contract

What we change inwardly will change outer reality. - Plutarch. I am re-sharing an article I wrote in 2019. These words are more important now than ever... In the midst of the insanity we are seeing in the outer world, there is a grass roots movement taking hold. The roots of this movement are … [Read more...]

Life’s Inconsistencies & Conundrums

Life's inconsistencies and conundrums can leave us confused, angry, defiant, and feeling like life is spinning out of our perceived control. The outer world is the forum to lead us back to our inner world, where our true power lives and breathes. When we see beyond the illusion of what we perceive … [Read more...]

Imagine Beyond Your Circumstances

Can you imagine beyond your circumstances? For anything new to be made visible in the world, it must first be seen in the mind. Your imagination is key to creativity, hope, and motivates your mind to direct your dreams into reality. I think of it as focused concentration. After all, you are the … [Read more...]