How To Create Amazing Rhythm In Your Life

Need a little nudge to create amazing rhythm in your life? When I think of rhythm, I am reminded it's very movement is all inclusive. Mother Nature, her seasons, all of creation repeat patterns endlessly. Think of your heartbeat, breathing, love of music, walking, dancing, sports, and on it goes. … [Read more...]

What Doesn’t Kill Us Makes Us Stronger

You've heard the old adage, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger." This applies in our lifetime now more than ever. What do people need right now? In my mind, I believe it is patience and kindness. Unity is a beautiful goal, don't you agree? The world is divided, lines have been drawn. Many are … [Read more...]

Life’s Inconsistencies & Conundrums

Life's inconsistencies and conundrums can leave us confused, angry, defiant, and feeling like life is spinning out of our perceived control. The outer world is the forum to lead us back to our inner world, where our true power lives and breathes. When we see beyond the illusion of what we perceive … [Read more...]

Be The Calm In The Storm

Be The Calm In The Storm Why? Because your outer power is transitory, illusory. It is what we have become accustomed to using in the outer world. Your inner world is constant, stable and ever evolving, because it is where your being lives and breathes. How you direct your power is in your hands. … [Read more...]

Sustaining Anything Requires Rhythm

The potential hidden within you is staggering. Shed the old layers, and devote yourself to something of value that sings to the passion in your soul. Now you become the master of your destiny. — Debra Oakland  Sustaining anything requires rhythm. The 7 Concepts in my book Change Your Movie, Change … [Read more...]