Jenny Mannion's Courage to Heal

I have a friend Jenny who found the courage to heal herself of chronic pain. Here is a small bio on Jenny and  an article from Jenny's website that I know you will enjoy, about a blind boy who can see, in some ways better than you and I.  Jenny represents Living in Courage to me, so I am excited and … [Read more...]

Use Courage to Motivate Yourself

I enjoyed this video on Daily Motivation ( click on read more below to see video.) The message on this video is that every problem has an opportunity in it. When you have the courage to motivate yourself into action, it is easier to see the solutions. * Think big. When a challenge arrives, turn … [Read more...]

Nike Courage Campaign in Beijing

Nike pushes forth with what it is calling the largest campaign in the brand's history. Based around the Olympics in Beijing, Nike debut a new global spot called "Courage," continue to promote the Nike Hyperdunk shoe and launch the "Human Race" event. … [Read more...]

Maya Angelou Sings

Maya Angelou says " A mentor is a rainbow in the clouds." Be someone's rainbow today. It doesn't take much effort to give someone a lift or some encouragement. One of the best effects is how it makes you feel when you support another person when they need it. What a wonderful way to live in … [Read more...]

Beijing Olympic Ceremony Opening 2008

The Olympics are officially here. The opening ceremony was spectacular. There will be many stories of courage during the Olympics, which will be featured here at Living in Courage. May the 2008 Olympics be a time and place for people to come together in peace. … [Read more...]