Happiness Is A Choice – Say YES!

The definition of happiness is different for each of us. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said “God have us two hands, one to receive joy and happiness, the other to give it away.” I have found it feels wonderful to give, and it also feels great to be open to receiving. Not knowing how to give or receive … [Read more...]

Empowerment is Soul Food!

Empowerment is food for the thirsty soul. The essence of power flowing through our cells, nourishing body, mind and spirit.  Don't you feel unstoppable when you think, feel and act empowered? I know I do. It feels good and you want to stay in that high vibration of energy.  Imagine living in a world … [Read more...]

Say Yes to Freedom

                    Happy New Year from Living in Courage! “The secret of happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage.” -Thucydides I wanted to share a bit of my year in 2011 with you, and to tell you that I am very excited to … [Read more...]

Gratitude Reflections

It seems appropriate to end the year of 2011 with Gratitude.  Of all the 144 Qualities of Love, gratitude is one of my personal favorites.  There have been endless words written about this quality, personal moments of sacred silence in gratitude, outward expressions of thankfulness in every … [Read more...]

The Season of Gratitude by Steve Tallamy

Well, we’re almost at the end of another year; they seem to fly by these days or is that just me! I always like to use this season to reflect on the year and to send blessings of gratitude to everyone and everything that I shared it with, both the good and the bad, for there are lessons to be … [Read more...]