There Is Always Hope!

"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all." Martin Luther King, Jr. Minister, Civil Rights Activist (1929-1968); British Street Artist Banksy Hope carries a vibration of optimism for the … [Read more...]


In order to grow we must obtain what is necessary for our growth.  Non-Judgment is an important part of self growth.  Self-judgment, judgment of others and the world, is learned from a very early age.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to grow up being taught to love yourself unconditionally, with no … [Read more...]


As we explore the 144 Qualities of Love, I have chosen to begin with one of the greatest qualities - Creativity.  Many say, "You can have anything."  The higher truth is - You can create anything. All the creative forces of life are alive inside you. As you harness the power of self expression, life … [Read more...]