Are You Inspired to Listen?

Are you inspired to listen? People are good listeners when it comes to something they want to hear. Yet, think about the fact that we are bombarded all day with noise of every conceivable kind. Sense overload is common. The art of listening is not a passive activity, it takes an effort to be a good … [Read more...]

Listening From The Inside Out

Quest Article from Steve Tallamy - Listening From The Inside Out We all listen from the outside in, whether it’s in the workplace, socially or for our own pleasure with music or keeping up our favourite TV and radio shows. We all do it, it can be a great source of knowledge if we learn what and who … [Read more...]

Courageous Compassion

  "And as I've gotten older, I've had more of a tendency to look for people who live by kindness, tolerance, compassion, a gentler way of looking at things." - Martin Scorsese When we do not love ourselves, we lack compassion for others. Plain and simple. Until we learn to love the being we … [Read more...]

Discipline is a Game Changer

“Talent without discipline is like an octopus on roller skates. There is plenty of movement, but you never know if it’s going to be forward, backwards, or sideways.” -H.Jackson Brown, Jr. Discipline is a very broad subject that partners well with responsibility. Self Discipline takes mental, … [Read more...]

Transformation Time Is Now

"Transformation is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. Out of this gift comes transformation for all."  -Debra Oakland Life is an ongoing activity of transformation. Spiritual growth helps us expand into our full potential. Change is difficult for people because stretching outside a … [Read more...]