Transitory Time Of Change For Ourselves & Our World

Worldwide, we are in a transitory time of change. As history has shown, cycles flow through every age. What we are going through in our current age is unprecedented. For now, we are all in this together. The pandemic situation is grim. Yet, there are some positive things to note. Businesses and … [Read more...]

Recovering From Surgery With A Wicked Sense Of Humor – Part 1

Be kind to others. Your unassuming act of kindness might become someone's memory of a lifetime. A close friend Jessie recently underwent major back surgery. Similar to the back surgery Tiger Woods had....gnarly! Jessie has lupus and a laundry list of other things that led to the surgery. Her sister … [Read more...]

The Woman Who Saved Me

A Snippet from Brita Corradini's Website: Three years ago, the word cancer filled my entire life.  Each day was spent talking about it, prodding it, quietly desperate for someone to save me from a body that I thought had betrayed me.  I was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stage II breast … [Read more...]

Healing Sounds Comforting, But Can Be A Painful Process

Peaks & Valleys by Sheryl Brown "As an Artist, Coach and Marriage & Family Therapist, Sheryl practices art in more ways than one." My guest blogger this month is Sheryl Brown, who I met in 2008 when she painted (top image on right) Peaks and Valleys after reading about the loss of my loved … [Read more...]

The Neglected Garden

My friend Steve Tallamy is a guest writer here at Living in Courage. Steve has written "The Neglected Garden" from the heart.  Steve is a nature lover who is very connected to Mother Earth, and her beautiful kingdoms. I look forward to sharing his articles once a month, which are sure to be filled … [Read more...]