1988 Paul Hunt Comedy Routine on the Balance Beam

Not that the incredible 2008 Olympics in Beijing are finally over, I thought it would be fun to share a little humor with you. This is an old video, but so much fun to watch. We all need a little humor in our day and I hope this provides you with a healthy dose. Enjoy as Paul Hunt exhibits his … [Read more...]

Jenny Mannion's Courage to Heal

I have a friend Jenny who found the courage to heal herself of chronic pain. Here is a small bio on Jenny and  an article from Jenny's website that I know you will enjoy, about a blind boy who can see, in some ways better than you and I.  Jenny represents Living in Courage to me, so I am excited and … [Read more...]

Use Courage to Motivate Yourself

I enjoyed this video on Daily Motivation ( click on read more below to see video.) The message on this video is that every problem has an opportunity in it. When you have the courage to motivate yourself into action, it is easier to see the solutions. * Think big. When a challenge arrives, turn … [Read more...]

Have The Courage To Love Your Humanity

Have the Courage to love your humanity free as it seeks to balance the mind and heart.  In this balance you will find your freedom. Debra Oakland @ Living in Courage Online … [Read more...]

I Wonder What the Courage of Love Will Do Now.

As I sit here pondering Courage and Love, I have to ask some questions about love.  What kind of love do we indulge in?  Love that is scintillating, ecstatic in its newness and grows like the sands of time.  Love that leaves you sad, empty, lonely, jealous or grieving.  All human love is based on … [Read more...]