Where Do We Go From Here?

If you are alive and breathing, you have noticed a world divided. Where do we go from here? I highly recommend doing your own research. Search for truth, I cannot emphasize this enough. What are you are being told to believe or passively accepting as truth? This year, things are going to be … [Read more...]

The Great Unraveling

I read this statement recently, "Never take advice from someone you wouldn't trade places with." Who do we trust, and why? I started thinking about who I trust. I don't trust government. Why lie to the masses, hide and alter vitally important information? Why deceive good people like you, people … [Read more...]

Live In Courage As Never Before

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. - Helen Keller We tend to fear the unknown Where does living in courage come in? Our aim in life is happiness, don't you agree? This is where courage takes center stage. If we live in a state of fear, our happiness … [Read more...]

On The Precipice

We are no closer to peace than we have ever been Cycles flow through every age in time, and there is an equilibrium that has been lost, hijacked and hopelessly out of the hands of the many, and remains (quite precariously) in the hands of the few. You couldn’t write a more bizarre script, but it … [Read more...]

The Simple Step Of A Courageous Individual

I recently read an article in our local paper I quote from this article, "There was a quote by Solzhenitsyn when he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. The judges noted "the ethical force" unleashed by his writing." The article goes on to say that in his Nobel Lecture Solzhenitsyn closed with a … [Read more...]