7 Ways To Connect To Your Inner Strength & Resilience

“At some point we become wise enough to see the limiting walls we have built around ourselves. Taking action to release all that does not serve our life takes courage and inner strength. These walls of resistance are sometimes invisible, even to our own eyes. It’s easy to look at another persons … [Read more...]

Crisis To Crisis – 10 Tips To Adapt To Shifting Times

  Our world is leapfrogging from one crisis to another We have political turmoil, causing social turmoil, loss of life and grief, economic chaos, personal and professional trauma, fires and natural disasters, crime, homelessness, just to mention a few. These difficult times can leave people … [Read more...]

Intrinsic Growth – Expand or Contract

What we change inwardly will change outer reality. - Plutarch. I am re-sharing an article I wrote in 2019. These words are more important now than ever... In the midst of the insanity we are seeing in the outer world, there is a grass roots movement taking hold. The roots of this movement are … [Read more...]

Courage Required

As I sit here contemplating life, I feel there is light at the end of the tunnel. The world is going through massive change, a global shift if you will. The question many ask, is, "How to move forward in these challenging times?" For each one of us, the answer needs to flow from within. What we see … [Read more...]

Our Deepest Pain Empowers Us

Often our deepest pain empowers us to grow into our highest self. The world is in the midst of dissension and massive change. Physical, mental, and spiritual pain is rippling out in waves. At the same time, hope is in the hearts of people for a brighter future. As we step back and view the movie … [Read more...]