There Is Always Hope!

"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all." Martin Luther King, Jr. Minister, Civil Rights Activist (1929-1968); British Street Artist Banksy Hope carries a vibration of optimism for the … [Read more...]

Endless Possibilities

I have heard it said that our life is governed by immutable laws and principles that never vary. These laws are in operation in all time and places. I have also heard that every effect is the result of the cause, and that the effect becomes the cause, which creates other effects, and on it goes. … [Read more...]

Here Is Your Life

Frederick Buechner wrote "The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never have been, but you are because the party wouldn't have been complete without you.  Here is the world.  Beautiful and terrible things will happen.  Don't be afraid.  I am with you.  Nothing can ever … [Read more...]

Are You Tired Of Others Thinking For You?

Are you tired of people thinking for you?  It is exhausting, and leaves  you feeling unfulfilled.  At birth we were each endowed with the Secrets of the Universe.  Each one of us holds the key to our own destiny.  Learning to de-program the illusions presented to us from the outside world can be … [Read more...]

Courage, Action & Well Being

Courage is constancy under the most trying of circumstances and action at the moment when it is needed most.  This statement that is applicable to life in many ways.  Replace the word courage with love, harmony, encouragement, inspiration, or peace.  These are concentrated actions that can assist … [Read more...]