Do You Ever Have A Misty Morning?

As the old proverb goes - A misty morning does not signify a cloudy day. When we wake up in the morning, one of the best things to do is start the day out on the bright side of the bed. I know if I wake up and worry about a long list of things I have to do during the day, frustration and stress … [Read more...]

You Hold The Wisdom Keys

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle Wisdom Keys I have found helpful over the years! Keep an open mind. Become a vibratory match to what you want to experience in your life. Making choices that support your life will magnetize to you just what you need, at the … [Read more...]

The Reality of Inner and Outer Beauty

                      “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.” -Elisabeth Kubler-Ross You … [Read more...]

Use Your Words – Carefully

  Parents tell children "Use your words" to teach them language. As we become adults, we need to remind each other to use our words - carefully. Our words become our truth, so it is in our best interest to think before we speak. Words carry energy creating lasting impressions that can heal or … [Read more...]

Life Is A Balancing Act

Balance is an interesting subject. I have read that balance is not good and keeps us off our game so to speak. Not sure I agree with that train of thought. We are all masculine and feminine energy, right and left brain, yin and yang. We also have the mental, physical and spiritual to balance along … [Read more...]