Live Your Life With Passion, Power & Purpose

Are you living your life passionately, powerfully and purposefully? You have the amazing opportunity to take your power back from wherever you may have left it, to live an extraordinary life. You came here for a purpose, just as we all did, and our passion gives us clues as to our specific … [Read more...]

Commitment or Consequence? It’s a Powerful Choice!

Commitment or Consequence...let's ruminate on this a moment. Our world is based on action and reaction. This is a system we have all come to experience. Cause and effect. How we translate our intent into what we call reality is, well, up to us. When we set an intention, remaining committed to it, … [Read more...]

The Ultimate Commitment: You.

The Ultimate Commitment: You. By Nicole Burley As a life coach and a health coach I have the opportunity to observe the complicated relationship people often have with the idea of commitment. For example, folks are usually very committed when they begin a new health regimen. It's new, it's … [Read more...]

Curiosity, Creativity & Courage – The Three C’s That Compliment Us!

Curiosity, Creativity & Courage go hand in hand happily dancing through the corners of your body, mind and spirit! The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity. We are intensely curious as children and creativity is the order of the day. Our little bodies and minds were … [Read more...]

Embracing Serenity

Embracing serenity, doesn't that sound wonderful? Easier said than done sometimes isn't it? Yet, we all strive for that feeling of serenity in a world full of movement, noise and distraction. Personally, I find my serenity in nature, sharing space with a redwood forest, pine trees, streams and … [Read more...]