Happiness Is A Choice – Say YES!

The definition of happiness is different for each of us. Elizabeth Barrett Browning said “God have us two hands, one to receive joy and happiness, the other to give it away.” I have found it feels wonderful to give, and it also feels great to be open to receiving. Not knowing how to give or receive … [Read more...]

Constant Happiness The Natural Way ~ With Nature

Happiness begins with a relationship with your-self, allowing as many positive and happy events to fill as much of each and every day as is possible. Of course we all have to live with the trials and tribulations that the outside world throws at us, but we can handle and deal with these much easier … [Read more...]

Climb Your Stairway to Happiness

Climb Your Stairway to Happiness by reading David Leonhardt's book - Climb Your Stairway to Heaven.  Everyone searches for inner happiness, but it is not something you can purchase or build.  David has written a book that is funny, insightful, full of great quotes and antidotes.   You will receive … [Read more...]

Tips for Love

Tips for Love - A Recipe for Happiness Look in the mirror, deep into your eyes and say " I love you ..........."  Do it with feeling and intention. Tell your body you love it. There is intelligence in every cell of your body. Talk to, direct and love it. Go easy on yourself - stay away from the … [Read more...]

The Neglected Garden

My friend Steve Tallamy is a guest writer here at Living in Courage. Steve has written "The Neglected Garden" from the heart.  Steve is a nature lover who is very connected to Mother Earth, and her beautiful kingdoms. I look forward to sharing his articles once a month, which are sure to be filled … [Read more...]