Use Courage Often On Your Life's Journey

In cleaning out my storage unit, which took enormous courage by the way! I found these words by an unknown author.  I find the "unknown" writings are some of the most powerful. "If, as Herod, we fill our lives with things, and again with things; if we consider ourselves so unimportant that we must … [Read more...]

Courage – How Easy Can It Be?

We learned about history in school - we learned about war, empires, great conflict, winning, losing and surviving. We learned about bad versus good. Did you learn about love? Did they teach us how to keep our bodies and souls strong in the light? How about courage, moral character, wisdom, peace, … [Read more...]

The Courage For Peace

The world can seem off balance as old systems crumble, making way for a peaceful new way of living.  We are all one. When we recognize that fact we truly will be living a new earth experience. I quote a journal article excerpt from Rene Wadlow in her article The Courage for Peace -"Favoring a … [Read more...]

Do You Have The Courage To Hear The Song?

I was laying in bed this morning in a state of stillness and peace.  I noticed sounds all around me.  I could hear cars on Pacific Coast Highway whizzing by. Von's Pavilion is just below my house, which means I hear car doors opening and closing, cars coming and going, shopping carts being moved … [Read more...]

The Power of Love & Courage

I love to hear Louis Armstrong singing "It's a Wonderful World."  This video is beautiful.  A deer and and a cat in the forest.  Have the courage to recognize love is everywhere and embrace it's power.  Animals teach us to be better humans. Unconditional love is not reserved for animals.  Embracing … [Read more...]