What Can I Do To Show That I Appreciate You?

"Appreciation is an excellent thing. It makes what is excellent in others, belong to us as well." - Voltaire Do you ever wonder what you can do to show appreciation to others? Appreciation is a quality that is key to sustaining healthy relationships  - a way of letting people know you value and … [Read more...]

Grudges – Do You Have an App Running in The Background?

Grudges are much like a phone that has apps running in the background. They are a constant drain on the battery, cause slow performance and can shorten the life of the hardware. When you clear that energy (close the apps) you free up space for things that are worthwhile and important - instead of … [Read more...]

“Bye-Bye, So Long – Enjoy Your Life!”

Letting go of people who drag you down…just thinking about it feels good, doesn’t it? Everyone needs a good ‘lifestyle well-being clutter clearing’ now and then. We learn through life experience what we want and do not want in our lives. Contrast is a powerful teacher and an important one. Without … [Read more...]

How to Stay Tuned In and Turned On – With Passion!

Article by guest blogger Ande Lyons Passion, like happiness, needs to be cultivated within ourselves and within our relationships. I use the word passion a great deal in my work, and I love the feeling it evokes whenever I say it, hear it or read it. Passion can have many different meanings. What … [Read more...]

Lunch Today in Laguna Beach

Have you ever been in one of your favorite restaurants, happily munching, when you hear a loud voice incessantly talking negative about other people? Today was that day. I should have moved, but I did not notice "the voice" until my food was delivered. I must have heard the word "narcissist" 25 … [Read more...]